On Watching Films Alone

I watch a lot of films... not as much as I wish but a good amount to say that I think it's so much more enjoyable watching movies alone in the theatre.

you can really immerse in the filmmakers world, since you don't have to worry about making comments to your friends next to you. I can just let loose and let the film take me away.

(pic of me watching films alone)

I mean yeah you get some loud people in the theatre, but in general I watch films that attracts the type of crowd who appreciates the art of cinema, so are pretty respectful about it.

I know I'm romanticising cinema, but most of my favourite films were watched alone. I just love it so much, so I look forward to the day I could take my child to the cinema for the first time.

it's also worth mentioning not every film is fun to watch by yourself, there are films made to be watched with friends. I have so many priceless memories from those films, even the shitty ones I've watched at home on the TV.

a lot of people are surprised to hear when I say I'm watching a film alone, but I think it's generally because people are just not comfortable with their own presence.

so if you've never done it before, I suggest you give it a go, it'll be a fun experience, and you'll probably meet some cool people!

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